Swingin' wit' Mitt?
The headline at the New York Times website reads "Romney Makes South Carolina Swing." Somehow, I doubt it. Those people invented the Charleston, after all, and he seems a kind of politely stiff fox-trot kinda guy, at best.

"Arthritis snow blur in demand..."
The headline at the New York Times website reads "Romney Makes South Carolina Swing." Somehow, I doubt it. Those people invented the Charleston, after all, and he seems a kind of politely stiff fox-trot kinda guy, at best.
Just found the website Stripgenerator.com. You can make your own comic strip using their drag-and-drop interface and palette of comical beings and items. Thus:
My friend Seth (remember? Austin Camacho... the mystery writer? I told you about him...) Well, his character, the "troubleshooter" and all-round adventure guy Hannibal Jones has a blog of his own. Recently, Mr. Jones offered to put together a reading list for his young friend Monte. I commented that I hoped to see Jones's reading list as it evolved. Asked and answered. Thank you kindly Messrs Jones & Camacho.