Louisiana 2005

"Arthritis snow blur in demand..."
...and continuing:
"...as scenes of horror that seemed to be coming from some Third World country flashed before us, official Washington was like a dog watching television. It saw the lights and images, but did not seem to comprehend their meaning or see any link to reality."
-- Bob Schieffer's closing comments, Face the Nation, Sep 4, 2005
Yes, well, apparently that's what you get when you let the boss's feeble-minded son take over the family business.
I usually think of Schieffer as a calm, genial guy, really kind of a throwback to the days when CBS took its news department seriously. I don't know how he looked or sounded when he said that quote, but those are some *angry* words. Just righteously furious.
I take that as a good sign. And it's spreading. Advanced stem-cell research has apparently allowed widespread spine-replacement operations among our nation's journalists.
"It can all turn on a dime."