Tuesday, January 16, 2007

What my brain does when I'm not using it....

So last night I'm sleeping, and in a dream, for no reason that I can remember, I am challenged to compose a limerick. I don't remember the exact terms, but apparently using the word "giganticus" and referring to classical Greek mythology were among the conditions.

A classical scholar from Roma
Fell into a deep lasting coma.
They brought in some winos
and Giganticus dinos
To read him selections from Homah.

The key was realizing that I could make a play on the name "Homer" -- after that everything fell into place. The winos appeared without a bit of struggle.

It was only today, in looking up these images, that I learned that the genus name for the dinosaur species giganticus is Achillobator, which comes from Achilles, hero of "Homah's" Iliad.

The reason I can tell you all this is that, soon after finishing the limerick, I realized I was asleep and dreaming, and that if I didn't write this gem down, I would lose it forever. So I began to write it down. Then I said to myself, "No, you're only dreaming that you're writing it down. Wake up and really write it down." So I did. But then I thought, "No, you're only dreaming that you woke up and are writing it down. You have to really wake up and really write it down." After a few iterations (makes one wonder how often P.K.Dick had that sort of conversation with himself), I did finally really wake up and really write it down.

I think.


At 29 May, 2007 10:12, Blogger nick_el_dime said...

Does this mean that life is but a dream within a dream within a dream? Or am I just dreaming?


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