Fly Caught in a Mayo Jar?

Hey, I'm in the soon-to-be-turned-into-a-crepe-joint Someday Cafe and the counter people (or perhaps they are actually Bizarro-style counter-people?) are playing some of the weirdest damn music I ever heard.
For instance, this album...

which seems like what you'd get if Phoebe from "Friends" was actually allowed to record an entire album, except not that good. The singer's voice sounds to me like the needling high-pitched drone of a fly caught in a mayonnaise jar, or bumping confused up against a big window... Nyyeehhhh-zzzzzeeee-yyyeee-yeee-nnnyyeeee....
If you're looking for a soundtrack for a puzzling but otherwise limp April-fools prank, this might be just the thing.
-- Gary
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